This project was supported by several friends,
who have multidisciplinary knowledges, and are
from 20 to 82 years old.
All projects are based on organizations, teams, women and men, without whom there would be nothing, or very little.
So, here are their photos, most taken in flight, in real time, naturally. No name, we are not an advertising agency, but everyone will recognize each other.
No revolutionary news for renewable energy schools, but the wisdom to come up with viable solutions.
Discover their faces :
A project made by a team for our planet.
In recognition, here is the team, in alphabetical order:
Ladies: Luana Greco, Michèle Pury,
Misters: Gérard Beyaert. Michel Chalaux. Serge Delhauwe, Remo Ehrat, Hansueli Furrer, Giovani Pury, Armin Rohner, Rolf Winz,
And a few other persons who want to remain anonymous..